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APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

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Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
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Gain insights and build data-powered applications

Your unified business intelligence platform. Self-service. Governed. Embedded.

Chat with your business data with Looker. More than just a modern business intelligence platform, you can turn to Looker for self-service or governed BI, build your own custom applications with trusted metrics, or even bring Looker modeling to your existing BI environment.
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Let your volunteer coordinators do their best work.

For non-profit organizations requiring a software solution to keep track of volunteers

Stop messing with tools that aren’t designed to amplify volunteer programs. With VolunteerMatters, it’s a delight to manage everything in one place.
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SysAid multi-layered ITSM solution

For organizations spanning all industries and sizes from SMBs to Fortune 500 corporations

SysAid is an ITSM, Service Desk and Help Desk software solution that integrates all of the essential IT tools into one product. Its rich set of features include a powerful Help Desk, IT Asset Management, and other easy-to-use tools for analyzing and optimizing IT performance.
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Email and SMS Marketing Software

Boost Sales. Grow Audiences. Reduce Workloads.

Our intuitive email marketing software to help you save time and build lasting relationships with your subscribers.

Additional Details for XOOPS Brasil

Operating Systems

Linux, Server Operating Systems, BSD, Windows


English, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese

Intended Audience

Information Technology, System Administrators, Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience, Management

User Interface

Web-based, Plugins, XUL

Programming Language

PHP, JavaScript



Last Updated


Site Management, Internet, Virtualization



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